
Hi there, excited you are here and embarking on a journey to better health through nutrition.

I’m Diana, wife and mother of 2, lover of real food and good tacos! I’ve learned to love to cook in busy seasons and nourish myself, my family through wholesome meals. I want to inspire you to take ownership of your health, one protein rich meal at a time.

Eat & Curl is my little corner of the internet where I connect with other women and moms, sharing nutrient dense, protein packed meals, good for the whole family. Eat and curl is not about eliminating food groups, but rather incorporating satiating foods and swaps that help you feel strong, healthy and in shape.

My philosophy is simple- eat more real food and focus on building meals around protein. Here you will find mostly gluten-free recipes, simple high protein, nutrient dense, veggie-packed, meal prep meals. At the end of the day, we want to eat good, feel good and look our best without depriving diets. A diet high in protein, not only nourishes you from within, but helps to keep stubborn fat at bay.

My Story

As a wife, mom, and RN, I realized that life isn’t going to slow down any time soon, and I needed to figure out how to take care of myself and my family. One area that I had direct control over was nutrition. We all gotta eat! But it’s WHAT we eat that determines how we feel and how we look. My poor nutrition habits over the years have lead to acne, weight gain and digestive symptoms that were not cured until I started eating real food- vegetables, fruits, pasture raised meats and whole grains.  I didn’t want to continue down the path of fast food and takeout, so I set out to use my Nursing knowledge and learn about nutrition science.

As a big foodie, I created Eat & Curl to inspire busy women and moms, like you, to make positive food choices with simple healthy recipes and kitchen hacks. I’m happy to show you that healthy eating is not complicated!

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Hi! I'm Diana

I'm Diana, wife, mom of two and RN. I share simple & healthy recipes for busy women. This is your go-to place for protein-packed, nutrient-dense recipes, to help you stay fit and feel your best! Stick around for easy recipes that are good for you...because nutrients matter!

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